A Coach is a Bridge Builder.
Coaches help people move from where they are to where they would like to be – in essence building bridges to what could be.
So, where do you want to go?
The possibilities are endless. You can build a bridge toward physical or financial goals, you can address limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck, you can move toward a dream, the possibilities truly are endless.
Coaching is building an intentional pathway to your preferred future!
“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It’s helping them learn rather than teaching.” - Sir John Whitmore

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Life Coaching Opportunities
1. Coaching develops a personal pathway.
A coach is responsible to be an active listener, a thinking partner and even an action step provoker, but a coach will not diagnose your situation or prescribe your solution. It’s the coachee’s responsibility first to choose the focus and then to arrive at the possible action steps that will move them on their own personal pathway toward their goal.
2. Coaching is a safe place.
Coaching is an atmosphere where you can share anything; in fact it works best that way. In a coaching session hopes and fears are welcomed. You can expect transparency from your coach and you can feel safe talking about whatever is on your heart.
3. Coaching is supportive.
You may stick with your original goal or at times you may redirect and want to focus on something else for a session or a season. Either way, you are in the driver’s seat. The coach
4. Coaching is an ongoing journey.
Just as you are not likely to build a bridge in one day, coaching is a journey. Your initial action steps may prove to be research that shows you need to approach your goal from another angle. Your original goal may shift to something similar or completely different. Whatever your journey, with coaching it will be intentional and forward movement will take place.
What to expect:
We have been created for a purpose and to live in the abundant life that Jesus came for us to have. ​
You will be the one setting the agenda.
I will come alongside you to combine the principles of coaching and mentoring with a Christian faith-based perspective.
We will set meaningful goals, overcome obstacles, and align your life with God's purpose.
You will find a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your faith, gain clarity, and take actionable steps towards a more fulfilling life.
What's Included?
30 minute discovery call (free of charge)
Hourly Rate or "Package options" for multiple sessions​
Text and Email Support
download the
welcome packet

Have more questions? Please contact us at the email or phone below!